General Biology
· Video Lectures: Course Bio 1A (Berkeley)
· Course WebsiteCourse covers:Life: An Overview; Basic Chemistry, redox, PH, Biopolymers: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Protein Structure, Biological Membranes, Bacterial Cells; Animals Cells and Organelles, Energy, Thermodynamics and Enzymes 1, Enzymes 2, Metabolism I: ATP, Redox and Glycolysis, Metabolism II: TCA Cycle; Oxid, Phos., Photosynthesis: Light and Dark Reactions, Signaling, Genes to Proteins: An Overview, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Microbial Genetics and Evolution - Chromosomes, Plasmids, and Phage, DNA Replication and the PCR, Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Reproduction of Cells, Chromosomes, Checkpoints, and Cancer, Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycle, Gregor Mendel and Two of Biology's Three Laws, Recombination, Linkage and Mapping, Transcription, The Genetic Code and Traslation, Prokaryotic Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Regulation, Human Genetics and Epigenetics, GMOs and Organismal Cloning, Stem Cells and Aging, Midterm II, Multicellularity: Cell Shape and Function, Tissue Specialization, Homeostasis, Intercellular and Physiological Communication: Hormones, Receptors, and the Endocrine System, Reproductive System, Fertilization and Embryogenesis, Developmental Strategies and Mechanisms, Digestive System, Circulatory and Respiratory Systems, Immune System, Excretory System and Kidney Function, Nervous System, Cell and Tissue Dysfunction, Cancer and Experimental Stratefies to Develp Anti-Cancer Therapeutics, Bio-Engineered Animals and Models of Human Disease
· Video Lectures: Course Bio 1A (Berkeley)
· Course WebsiteCourse covers:Life: An Overview; Basic Chemistry, redox, PH, Biopolymers: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Protein Structure, Biological Membranes, Bacterial Cells; Animals Cells and Organelles, Energy, Thermodynamics and Enzymes 1, Enzymes 2, Metabolism I: ATP, Redox and Glycolysis, Metabolism II: TCA Cycle; Oxid, Phos., Photosynthesis: Light and Dark Reactions, Signaling, Genes to Proteins: An Overview, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Microbial Genetics and Evolution - Chromosomes, Plasmids, and Phage, DNA Replication and the PCR, Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Reproduction of Cells, Chromosomes, Checkpoints, and Cancer, Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycle, Gregor Mendel and Two of Biology's Three Laws, Recombination, Linkage and Mapping, Transcription, The Genetic Code and Traslation, Prokaryotic Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Regulation, Human Genetics and Epigenetics, GMOs and Organismal Cloning, Stem Cells and Aging, Midterm II, Multicellularity: Cell Shape and Function, Tissue Specialization, Homeostasis, Intercellular and Physiological Communication: Hormones, Receptors, and the Endocrine System, Reproductive System, Fertilization and Embryogenesis, Developmental Strategies and Mechanisms, Digestive System, Circulatory and Respiratory Systems, Immune System, Excretory System and Kidney Function, Nervous System, Cell and Tissue Dysfunction, Cancer and Experimental Stratefies to Develp Anti-Cancer Therapeutics, Bio-Engineered Animals and Models of Human Disease